Robert T. Knight

Human posterior parietal cortex responds to visual stimuli as early as peristriate occipital cortex


Much of what is known about the timing of visual processing in the brain is inferred from intracranial studies in monkeys, with human data limited to mainly noninvasive methods with lower spatial resolution. Here, we estimated visual onset latencies from electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings in a patient who was implanted with 112 subdural electrodes, distributed across the posterior cortex of the right hemisphere, for presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy. Functional MRI prior to surgery was used to determine boundaries of visual areas. The patient was presented with images of objects from several categories. Event‐related potentials (ERPs) were calculated across all categories excluding targets, and statistically reliable onset latencies were determined, using a bootstrapping procedure over the single trial baseline activity in individual electrodes. The distribution of onset latencies broadly reflected the known hierarchy of visual areas, with the earliest cortical responses in primary visual cortex, and higher areas showing later responses. A clear exception to this pattern was a robust, statistically reliable and spatially localized, very early response, on the bank of the posterior intraparietal sulcus (IPS). The response in the IPS started nearly simultaneously with responses detected in peristriate visual areas, around 60 ms poststimulus onset. Our results support the notion of early visual processing in the posterior parietal lobe, not respecting traditional hierarchies, and give direct evidence for onset times of visual responses across the human cortex.


  • Tamar I. Regev 

  • Jonathan Winawer 

  • Edden M. Gerber 

  • Robert T. Knight 

  • Leon Y. Deouell

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14164

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Neural mechanisms of sustained attention are rhythmic


Classic models of attention suggest that sustained neural firing constitutes a neural correlate of sustained attention. However, recent evidence indicates that behavioral performance fluctuates over time, exhibiting temporal dynamics that closely resemble the spectral features of ongoing, oscillatory brain activity. Therefore, it has been proposed that periodic neuronal excitability fluctuations might shape attentional allocation and overt behavior. However, empirical evidence to support this notion is sparse. Here, we address this issue by examining data from large-scale subdural recordings, using two different attention tasks that track perceptual ability at high temporal resolution. Our results reveal that perceptual outcome varies as a function of the theta phase even in states of sustained spatial attention. These effects were robust at the single-subject level, suggesting that rhythmic perceptual sampling is an inherent property of the frontoparietal attention network. Collectively, these findings support the notion that the functional architecture of top-down attention is intrinsically rhythmic.


  • Randolph F. Helfrich

  • Ian C. Fiebelkorn

  • Sara M. Szczepanski

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Josef Parvizi

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Sabine Kastner

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.07.032

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Lateral prefrontal cortex lesion impairs regulation of internally and externally directed attention


According to the competition account of lexical selection in word production, conceptually driven word retrieval involves the activation of a set of candidate words in left temporal cortex and competitive selection of the intended word from this set, regulated by frontal cortical mechanisms. However, the relative contribution of these brain regions to competitive lexical selection is uncertain. In the present study, five patients with left prefrontal cortex lesions (overlapping in ventral and dorsal lateral cortex), eight patients with left lateral temporal cortex lesions (overlapping in middle temporal gyrus), and 13 matched controls performed a picture-word interference task. Distractor words were semantically related or unrelated to the picture, or the name of the picture (congruent condition). Semantic interference (related vs. unrelated), tapping into competitive lexical selection, was examined. An overall semantic interference effect was observed for the control and left-temporal groups separately. The left-frontal patients did not show a reliable semantic interference effect as a group. The left-temporal patients had increased semantic interference in the error rates relative to controls. Error distribution analyses indicated that these patients had more hesitant responses for the related than for the unrelated condition. We propose that left middle temporal lesions affect the lexical activation component, making lexical selection more susceptible to errors.


  • Julia W.Y. Kam

  • Anne-Kristin Solbakk

  • Tor Endestad

  • Torstein R. Meling

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.063

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Integrated analysis of anatomical and electrophysiological human intracranial data


Human intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) recordings provide data with much greater spatiotemporal precision than is possible from data obtained using scalp EEG, magnetoencephalography (MEG), or functional MRI. Until recently, the fusion of anatomical data (MRI and computed tomography (CT) images) with electrophysiological data and their subsequent analysis have required the use of technologically and conceptually challenging combinations of software. Here, we describe a comprehensive protocol that enables complex raw human iEEG data to be converted into more readily comprehensible illustrative representations. The protocol uses an open-source toolbox for electrophysiological data analysis (FieldTrip). This allows iEEG researchers to build on a continuously growing body of scriptable and reproducible analysis methods that, over the past decade, have been developed and used by a large research community. In this protocol, we describe how to analyze complex iEEG datasets by providing an intuitive and rapid approach that can handle both neuroanatomical information and large electrophysiological datasets. We provide a worked example using an example dataset. We also explain how to automate the protocol and adjust the settings to enable analysis of iEEG datasets with other characteristics. The protocol can be implemented by a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow with minimal MATLAB experience and takes approximately an hour to execute, excluding the automated cortical surface extraction.


  • Arjen Stolk

  • Sandon Griffin

  • Roemer van der Meij

  • Callum Dewar

  • Ignacio Saez

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Giovanni Piantoni

  • Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen

  • Robert T. Knight 

  • Robert Oostenveld 

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1038/s41596-018-0009-6

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Human in vivo tau pathology, impaired NREM sleep oscillations and memory decline in aging


Aging disrupts sleep. Moreover, these sleep impairments are exaggerated in Alzheimer’s disease, and are proposed to contribute to cognitive decline. Recent human studies have linked β-amyloid with non-rapid eye-movement (NREM) sleep disruption. However, the impact of tau pathology on human sleep oscillations and cognition remains uninvestigated. Here, we tested the hypothesis that tau burden within medial temporal lobe (MTL) impairs the coupled relationship between the two key NREM sleep oscillations—sleep spindles and slow waves, and their known support of hippocampal memory.


  • Joseph R. Winer

  • Bryce A. Mander

  • Randolph F. Helfrich

  • Anne Maass

  • Theresa M. Harrison

  • Suzanne L. Baker

  • Robert T. Knight

  • William J. Jagust

  • Matthew P. Walker

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2344

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Multiplexing of Theta and Alpha Rhythms in the Amygdala-Hippocampal Circuit Supports Pattern Separation of Emotional Information


How do we remember emotional events? While emotion often leads to vivid recollection, the precision of emotional memories can be degraded, especially when discriminating among overlapping experiences in memory (i.e. pattern separation). Communication between the amygdala and the hippocampus has been proposed to support emotional memory but the exact neural mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we used intracranial depth electrode recordings in pre-surgical epilepsy patients to show that successful pattern separation of emotional stimuli is associated with theta band (3-7 Hz)-coordinated bidirectional interactions between the amygdala and the hippocampus. In contrast, we show that overgeneralization is associated with alpha band (7-13 Hz)-coordinated unidirectional influence from the amygdala to the hippocampus. These findings imply that alpha band synchrony may trigger overgeneralization of similar emotional events via amygdala-hippocampal directional coupling, which suggests a target for the treatment of psychiatric conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, where aversive memories are often overgeneralized.


  • Jie Zheng

  • Rebecca F. Stevenson

  • Bryce A. Mander

  • Lilit Mnatsakanyan

  • Frank P. K. Hsu

  • Sumeet Vadera

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Michael A. Yassa

  • Jack J. Lin

Date: 2018

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A lexical semantic hub for heteromodal naming in middle fusiform gyrus


Semantic memory underpins our understanding of objects, people, places, and ideas. Anomia, a disruption of semantic memory access, is the most common residual language disturbance and is seen in dementia and following injury to temporal cortex. While such anomia has been well characterized by lesion symptom mapping studies, its pathophysiology is not well understood. We hypothesize that inputs to the semantic memory system engage a specific heteromodal network hub that integrates lexical retrieval with the appropriate semantic content. Such a network hub has been proposed by others, but has thus far eluded precise spatiotemporal delineation. This limitation in our understanding of semantic memory has impeded progress in the treatment of anomia. We evaluated the cortical structure and dynamics of the lexical semantic network in driving speech production in a large cohort of patients with epilepsy using electrocorticography (n = 64), functional MRI (n = 36), and direct cortical stimulation (n = 30) during two generative language processes that rely on semantic knowledge: visual picture naming and auditory naming to definition. Each task also featured a non-semantic control condition: scrambled pictures and reversed speech, respectively. These large-scale data of the left, language-dominant hemisphere uniquely enable convergent, high-resolution analyses of neural mechanisms characterized by rapid, transient dynamics with strong interactions between distributed cortical substrates. We observed three stages of activity during both visual picture naming and auditory naming to definition that were serially organized: sensory processing, lexical semantic processing, and articulation. Critically, the second stage was absent in both the visual and auditory control conditions. Group activity maps from both electrocorticography and functional MRI identified heteromodal responses in middle fusiform gyrus, intraparietal sulcus, and inferior frontal gyrus; furthermore, the spectrotemporal profiles of these three regions revealed coincident activity preceding articulation. Only in the middle fusiform gyrus did direct cortical stimulation disrupt both naming tasks while still preserving the ability to repeat sentences. These convergent data strongly support a model in which a distinct neuroanatomical substrate in middle fusiform gyrus provides access to object semantic information. This under-appreciated locus of semantic processing is at risk in resections for temporal lobe epilepsy as well as in trauma and strokes that affect the inferior temporal cortex—it may explain the range of anomic states seen in these conditions. Further characterization of brain network behaviour engaging this region in both healthy and diseased states will expand our understanding of semantic memory and further development of therapies directed at anomia.


  • Kiefer J. Forseth 

  • Cihan M. Kadipasaoglu

  • Christopher R. Conner

  • Gregory Hickok 

  • Robert T. Knight 

  • Nitin Tandon

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1093/brain/awy120

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Decoding Inner Speech Using Electrocorticography: Progress and Challenges Toward a Speech Prosthesis


Certain brain disorders resulting from brainstem infarcts, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, stroke, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, limit verbal communication despite the patient being fully aware. People that cannot communicate due to neurological disorders would benefit from a system that can infer internal speech directly from brain signals. In this review article, we describe the state of the art in decoding inner speech, ranging from early acoustic sound features, to higher order speech units. We focused on intracranial recordings, as this technique allows monitoring brain activity with high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution, and therefore is a good candidate to investigate inner speech. Despite intense efforts, investigating how the human cortex encodes inner speech remains an elusive challenge, due to the lack of behavioral and observable measures. We emphasize various challenges commonly encountered when investigating inner speech decoding, and propose potential solutions in order to get closer to a natural speech assistive device.


  • Stephanie Martin

  • Iñaki Iturrate

  • José del R. Millán

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Brian N. Pasley

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00422

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Low-frequency cortical activity is a neuromodulatory target that tracks recovery after stroke


Recent work has highlighted the importance of transient low-frequency oscillatory (LFO; <4 Hz) activity in the healthy primary motor cortex during skilled upper-limb tasks. These brief bouts of oscillatory activity may establish the timing or sequencing of motor actions. Here, we show that LFOs track motor recovery post-stroke and can be a physiological target for neuromodulation. In rodents, we found that reach-related LFOs, as measured in both the local field potential and the related spiking activity, were diminished after stroke and that spontaneous recovery was closely correlated with their restoration in the perilesional cortex. Sensorimotor LFOs were also diminished in a human subject with chronic disability after stroke in contrast to two non-stroke subjects who demonstrated robust LFOs. Therapeutic delivery of electrical stimulation time-locked to the expected onset of LFOs was found to significantly improve skilled reaching in stroke animals. Together, our results suggest that restoration or modulation of cortical oscillatory dynamics is important for the recovery of upper-limb function and that they may serve as a novel target for clinical neuromodulation.


  • Dhakshin S. Ramanathan

  • Ling Guo

  • Tanuj Gulati

  • April K. Hishinuma

  • Seok-Joon Won

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Edward F. Chang

  • Raymond A. Swanson

  • Karunesh Ganguly

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1038/s41591-018-0058-y

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Orbitofrontal damage reduces auditory sensory response in humans


  • Julia W.Y. Kam

  • Anne-Kristin Solbakk

  • Ingrid Funderud

  • Tor Endestad

  • Torstein R. Meling

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2017.12.023.

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Dynamic frontotemporal systems process space and time in working memory


How do we rapidly process incoming streams of information in working memory, a cognitive mechanism central to human behavior? Dominant views of working memory focus on the prefrontal cortex (PFC), but human hippocampal recordings provide a neurophysiological signature distinct from the PFC. Are these regions independent, or do they interact in the service of working memory? We addressed this core issue in behavior by recording directly from frontotemporal sites in humans performing a visuospatial working memory task that operationalizes the types of identity and spatiotemporal information we encounter every day. Theta band oscillations drove bidirectional interactions between the PFC and medial temporal lobe (MTL; including the hippocampus). MTL theta oscillations directed the PFC preferentially during the processing of spatiotemporal information, while PFC theta oscillations directed the MTL for all types of information being processed in working memory. These findings reveal an MTL theta mechanism for processing space and time and a domain-general PFC theta mechanism, providing evidence that rapid, dynamic MTL–PFC interactions underlie working memory for everyday experiences.


  • Elizabeth L. Johnson

  • Jenna N. Adams

  • Anne-Kristin Solbakk

  • Tor Endestad

  • Pål G. Larsson

  • Jugoslav Ivanovic

  • Torstein R. Meling

  • Jack J. Lin

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2004274

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Old brains come uncoupled in sleep: slow wave-spindle synchrony, brain atrophy, and forgetting


The coupled interaction between slow-wave oscillations and sleep spindles during non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep has been proposed to support memory consolidation. However, little evidence in humans supports this theory. Moreover, whether such dynamic coupling is impaired as a consequence of brain aging in later life, contributing to cognitive and memory decline, is unknown. Combining electroencephalography (EEG), structural MRI, and sleep-dependent memory assessment, we addressed these questions in cognitively normal young and older adults. Directional cross-frequency coupling analyses demonstrated that the slow wave governs a precise temporal coordination of sleep spindles, the quality of which predicts overnight memory retention. Moreover, selective atrophy within the medial frontal cortex in older adults predicted a temporal dispersion of this slow wave-spindle coupling, impairing overnight memory consolidation and leading to forgetting. Prefrontal-dependent deficits in the spatiotemporal coordination of NREM sleep oscillations therefore represent one pathway explaining age-related memory decline.


  • Randolph F. Helfrich

  • Bryce A. Mander

  • William J. Jagust

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Matthew P. Walker

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.11.020

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Persistent neuronal activity in human prefrontal cortex links perception and action


How do humans flexibly respond to changing environmental demands on a subsecond temporal scale? Extensive research has highlighted the key role of the prefrontal cortex in flexible decision-making and adaptive behaviour, yet the core mechanisms that translate sensory information into behaviour remain undefined. Using direct human cortical recordings, we investigated the temporal and spatial evolution of neuronal activity (indexed by the broadband gamma signal) in 16 participants while they performed a broad range of self-paced cognitive tasks. Here we describe a robust domain- and modality-independent pattern of persistent stimulus-to-response neural activation that encodes stimulus features and predicts motor output on a trial-by-trial basis with near-perfect accuracy. Observed across a distributed network of brain areas, this persistent neural activation is centred in the prefrontal cortex and is required for successful response implementation, providing a functional substrate for domain-general transformation of perception into action, critical for flexible behaviour.


  • Matar Haller

  • John Case

  • Nathan E. Crone

  • Edward F. Chang

  • David King-Stephens

  • Kenneth D. Laxer

  • Peter B. Weber

  • Josef Parvizi

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Avgusta Y. Shestyuk

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0267-2

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Lesion evidence for a critical role of left posterior but not frontal areas in alpha–beta power decreases during context-driven word production


Different frequency bands in the electroencephalogram are postulated to support distinct language functions. Studies have suggested that alpha-beta power decreases may index word-retrieval processes. In context-driven word retrieval, participants hear lead-in sentences that either constrain the final word ('He locked the door with the') or not ('She walked in here with the'). The last word is shown as a picture to be named. Previous studies have consistently found alpha-beta power decreases prior to picture onset for constrained relative to unconstrained sentences, localised to the left lateral-temporal and lateral-frontal lobes. However, the relative contribution of temporal versus frontal areas to alpha-beta power decreases is unknown. We recorded the electroencephalogram from patients with stroke lesions encompassing the left lateral-temporal and inferior-parietal regions or left-lateral frontal lobe and from matched controls. Individual participant analyses revealed a behavioural sentence context facilitation effect in all participants, except for in the two patients with extensive lesions to temporal and inferior parietal lobes. We replicated the alpha-beta power decreases prior to picture onset in all participants, except for in the two same patients with extensive posterior lesions. Thus, whereas posterior lesions eliminated the behavioural and oscillatory context effect, frontal lesions did not. Hierarchical clustering analyses of all patients' lesion profiles, and behavioural and electrophysiological effects identified those two patients as having a unique combination of lesion distribution and context effects. These results indicate a critical role for the left lateral-temporal and inferior parietal lobes, but not frontal cortex, in generating the alpha-beta power decreases underlying context-driven word production.


  • Vitoria Piai

  • Joost Rommers

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1111/ejn.13695

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Should a Few Null Findings Falsify Prefrontal Theories of Conscious Perception?


Is activity in prefrontal cortex (PFC) critical for conscious perception? Major theories of consciousness make distinct predictions about the role of PFC, providing an opportunity to arbitrate between these views empirically. Here we address three common misconceptions: (1) PFC lesions do not affect subjective perception; (2) PFC activity does not reflect specific perceptual content; and (3) PFC involvement in studies of perceptual awareness is solely driven by the need to make reports required by the experimental tasks rather than subjective experience per se. These claims are incompatible with empirical findings, unless one focuses only on studies using methods with limited sensitivity. The literature highlights PFC's essential role in enabling the subjective experience in perception, contra the objective capacity to perform visual tasks; conflating the two can also be a source of confusion.


  • Brian Odegaard

  • Robert T. Knight 

  • Hakwan Lau

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3217-16.2017

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Prefrontal cortex modulates posterior alpha oscillations during top-down guided visual perception


Conscious visual perception is proposed to arise from the selective synchronization of functionally specialized but widely distributed cortical areas. It has been suggested that different frequency bands index distinct canonical computations. Here, we probed visual perception on a fine-grained temporal scale to study the oscillatory dynam- ics supporting prefrontal-dependent sensory processing. We tested whether a predictive context that was embedded in a rapid visual stream modulated the perception of a subsequent near-threshold target. The rapid stream was presented either rhythmically at 10 Hz, to entrain parietooccipital alpha oscillations, or arrhythmically. We identified a 2- to 4-Hz delta signature that modulated posterior alpha activity and behavior during predictive trials. Importantly, delta-mediated top-down control diminished the behavioral effects of bottom-up alpha entrainment. Simultaneous source-reconstructed EEG and cross-frequency directionality analyses revealed that this delta activity originated from prefrontal areas and modulated posterior alpha power. Taken together, this study presents converging behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for frontal delta-mediated top-down control of posterior alpha activity, selectively facilitating visual perception.


  • Randolph F. Helfrich

  • Melody Huang

  • Guy Wilson

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1705965114

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Working memory replay prioritizes weakly attended events


One view of working memory posits that maintaining a series of events requires their sequential and equal mnemonic replay. Another view is that the content of working memory maintenance is prioritized by attention. We decoded the dynamics for retaining a sequence of items using magnetoencephalography, wherein participants encoded sequences of three stimuli depicting a face, a manufactured object, or a natural item and maintained them in working memory for 5000 ms. Memory for sequence position and stimulus details were probed at the end of the maintenance period. Decoding of brain activity revealed that one of the three stimuli dominated maintenance independent of its sequence position or category; and memory was enhanced for the selectively replayed stimulus. Analysis of event-related responses during the encoding of the sequence showed that the selectively replayed stimuli were determined by the degree of attention at encoding. The selectively replayed stimuli had the weakest initial encoding indexed by weaker visual attention signals at encoding. These findings do not rule out sequential mnemonic replay but reveal that attention influences the content of working memory maintenance by prioritizing replay of weakly encoded events. We propose that the prioritization of weakly encoded stimuli protects them from interference during the maintenance period, whereas the more strongly encoded stimuli can be retrieved from long-term memory at the end of the delay period.


  • Anna Jafarpour

  • Will D. Penny

  • Gareth Barnes

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Emrah Duzel

Date: 2017


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Cortical Representation of Persistent Visual Stimuli


Research into visual neural activity has focused almost exclusively on onset- or change-driven responses and little is known about how information is encoded in the brain during sustained periods of visual perception. We used intracranial recordings in humans to determine the degree to which the presence of a visual stimulus is persistently encoded by neural activity. The correspondence between stimulus duration and neural response duration was strongest in early visual cortex and gradually diminished along the visual hierarchy, such that is was weakest in inferior-temporal category-selective regions. A similar posterior-anterior gradient was found within inferior temporal face-selective regions, with posterior but not anterior sites showing persistent face-selective activity. The results suggest that regions that appear uniform in terms of their category selectivity are dissociated by how they temporally represent a stimulus in support of ongoing visual perception, and delineate a large-scale organizing principle of the ventral visual stream.


  • Edden M. Gerber

  • Tal Golan

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Leon Y. Deouell

Date: 2017


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Human hippocampal pre-activation predicts behavior


The response to an upcoming salient event is accelerated when the event is expected given the preceding events – i.e. a temporal context effect. For example, naming a picture following a strongly constraining temporal context is faster than naming a picture after a weakly constraining temporal context. We used sentences as naturalistic stimuli to manipulate expectations on upcoming pictures without prior training. Here, using intracranial recordings from the human hippocampus we found more power in the high-frequency band prior to high-expected pictures than weakly expected ones. We applied pattern similarity analysis on the temporal pattern of hippocampal high-frequency band activity in single hippocampal contacts. We found that greater similarity in the pattern of hippocampal field potentials between pre-picture interval and expected picture interval in the high-frequency band predicted picture-naming latencies. Additional pattern similarity analysis indicated that the hippocampal representations follow a semantic map. The results suggest that hippocampal pre- activation of expected stimuli is a facilitating mechanism underlying the powerful contextual behavioral effect.


  • Robert T. Knight

  • Anna Jafarpour

  • Vitoria Piai

  • Jack J. Lin

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-06477-5

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Anterior thalamic high frequency band activity is coupled with theta oscillations at rest


Cross-frequency coupling (CFC) between slow and fast brain rhythms, in the form of phase–amplitude coupling (PAC), is proposed to enable the coordination of neural oscillatory activity required for cognitive processing. PAC has been identified in the neocortex and mesial temporal regions, varying according to the cognitive task being performed and also at rest. PAC has also been observed in the anterior thalamic nucleus (ATN) during memory processing. The thalamus is active during the resting state and has been proposed to be involved in switching between task-free cognitive states such as rest, in which attention is internally-focused, and externally-focused cognitive states, in which an individual engages with environmental stimuli. It is unknown whether PAC is an ongoing phenomenon during the resting state in the ATN, which is modulated during different cognitive states, or whether it only arises during the performance of specific tasks. We analyzed electrophysiological recordings of ATN activity during rest from seven patients who received thalamic electrodes implanted for treatment of pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. PAC was identified between theta (4–6 Hz) phase and high frequency band (80–150 Hz) amplitude during rest in all seven patients, which diminished during engagement in tasks involving an external focus of attention. The findings are consistent with the proposal that theta–gamma coupling in the ATN is an ongoing phenomenon, which is modulated by task performance.


  • Catherine M. Sweeney-Reed

  • Tino Zauhle

  • Jürgen Voges

  • Friedhelm Schmitt

  • Lars Buentjen

  • Viola Borchardt

  • Hermann Hinrichs

  • Hans-Jochen Heinze

  • Michael D. Rugg

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2017

DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00358

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