Electrophysiological Decoding of Spatial and Color Processing in Human Prefrontal Cortex


The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a pivotal role in goal-directed cognition, yet its representational code remains an open problem with decoding techniques ineffective in disentangling task-relevant variables from PFC. Here we applied regularized linear discriminant analysis to human scalp EEG data and were able to distinguish a mental-rotation task versus a color-perception task with 87% decoding accuracy. Dorsal and ventral areas in lateral PFC provided the dominant features dissociating the two tasks. Our findings show that EEG can reliably decode two independent task states from PFC and emphasize the PFC dorsal/ventral functional specificity in processing the where rotation task versus the what color task.


  • Byoung-Kyong Min

  • Hyun-Seok Kim

  • Wonjun Ko

  • Min-Hee Ahn

  • Heung-Il Suk

  • Dimitrios Pantazis

  • Robert T Knight

Date: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118165

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The role of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus in human memory processing


Extensive neuroanatomical connectivity between the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN) and hippocampus and neocortex renders them well-placed for a role in memory processing, and animal, lesion, and neuroimaging studies support such a notion. The deep location and small size of the ATN have precluded their real-time electrophysiological investigation during human memory processing. However, ATN electrophysiological recordings from patients receiving electrodes implanted for deep brain stimulation for pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy have enabled high temporal resolution study of ATN activity. Theta frequency synchronization of ATN and neocortical oscillations during successful memory encoding, enhanced phase alignment, and coupling between ATN local gamma frequency activity and frontal neocortical and ATN theta oscillations provide evidence of an active role for the ATN in memory encoding, potentially integrating information from widespread neocortical sources. Greater coupling of a broader gamma frequency range with theta oscillations at rest than during memory encoding provides additional support for the hypothesis that the ATN play a role in selecting local, task-relevant high frequency activity associated with particular features of a memory trace.


  • Catherine M Sweeney-Reed

  • Lars Buentjen

  • Jürgen Voges

  • Friedhelm C Schmitt

  • Tino Zaehle

  • Julia WY Kam

  • Jörn Kaufmann

  • Hans-Jochen Heinze

  • Hermann Hinrichs

  • Robert T Knight

  • Michael D Rugg

Date: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.02.046

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Prefrontal lesions disrupt oscillatory signatures of spatiotemporal integration in working memory


How does the human brain integrate spatial and temporal information into unified mnemonic representations? Building on classic theories of feature binding, we first define the oscillatory signatures of integrating ‘where’ and ‘when’ information in working memory (WM) and then investigate the role of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in spatiotemporal integration. Fourteen individuals with lateral PFC damage and 20 healthy controls completed a visuospatial WM task while electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. On each trial, two shapes were presented sequentially in a top/bottom spatial orientation. We defined EEG signatures of spatiotemporal integration by comparing the maintenance of two possible where-when configurations: the first shape presented on top and the reverse. Frontal delta-theta (δθ; 2–7 Hz) activity, frontal-posterior δθ functional connectivity, lateral posterior event-related potentials, and mesial posterior alpha phase-to-gamma amplitude coupling dissociated the two configurations in controls. WM performance and frontal and mesial posterior signatures of spatiotemporal integration were diminished in PFC lesion patients, whereas lateral posterior signatures were intact. These findings reveal both PFC-dependent and independent substrates of spatiotemporal integration and link optimal performance to PFC.


  • Mohsen Parto Dezfouli

  • Saeideh Davoudi

  • Robert T Knight

  • Mohammad Reza Daliri

  • Elizabeth L Johnson

Date: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2021.01.016

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Frontotemporal Regulation of Subjective Value to Suppress Impulsivity in Intertemporal Choices


Impulsive decisions arise from preferring smaller but sooner rewards compared with larger but later rewards. How neural activity and attention to choice alternatives contribute to reward decisions during temporal discounting is not clear. Here we probed (1) attention to and (2) neural representation of delay and reward information in humans (both sexes) engaged in choices. We studied behavioral and frequency-specific dynamics supporting impulsive decisions on a fine-grained temporal scale using eye tracking and MEG recordings. In one condition, participants had to decide for themselves but pretended to decide for their best friend in a second prosocial condition, which required perspective taking. Hence, conditions varied in the value for themselves versus that pretending to choose for another person. Stronger impulsivity was reliably found across three independent groups for prosocial decisions. Eye tracking revealed a systematic shift of attention from the delay to the reward information and differences in eye tracking between conditions predicted differences in discounting. High-frequency activity (175-250 Hz) distributed over right frontotemporal sensors correlated with delay and reward information in consecutive temporal intervals for high value decisions for oneself but not the friend. Collectively, the results imply that the high-frequency activity recorded over frontotemporal MEG sensors plays a critical role in choice option integration.


  • Stefan Dürschmid

  • Andre Maric

  • Marcel S Kehl

  • Robert T Knight

  • Hermann Hinrichs

  • Hans-Jochen Heinze

Date: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1196-20.2020

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Characterizing multi-word speech production using event-related potentials


Event‐related potentials (ERPs) derived from electroencephalography (EEG) have proven useful for understanding linguistic processes during language perception and production. Words are commonly produced in sequences, yet most ERP studies have used single‐word experimental designs. Single‐word designs reduce potential ERP overlap in word sequence production. However, word sequence production engages brain mechanisms in different ways than single word production. In particular, speech monitoring and planning mechanisms are more engaged than for single words since several words must be produced in a short period of time. This study evaluates the feasibility of recording ERP components in the context of word sequence production, and whether separate components could be isolated for each word. Scalp EEG data were acquired, while participants recited word sequences from memory at a regular pace, using a tongue‐twister paradigm. The results revealed fronto‐central error‐related negativity, previously associated with speech monitoring, which could be distinguished for each word. Its peak amplitude was sensitive to Cycle and Phonological Similarity. However, an effect of sequential production was also observable on baseline measures, indicating baseline shifts throughout the word sequence due to concurrent sustained medial‐frontal EEG activity. We also report a late left anterior negativity (LLAN), associated with verbal response planning and execution, onsetting around 100 ms before the first word in each cycle and sustained throughout the rest of the cycle. This work underlines the importance of considering the contribution of transient and sustained EEG activity on ERPs, and provides evidence that ERPs can be used to study sequential word production.


  • Stephanie K. Ries

  • Svetlana Pinet

  • N. Bonnie Nozari

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.13788

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Distinct electrophysiological signatures of task-unrelated and dynamic thoughts


Humans spend much of their lives engaging with their internal train of thoughts. Traditionally, research focused on whether or not these thoughts are related to ongoing tasks, and has identified reliable and distinct behavioral and neural correlates of task-unrelated and task-related thought. A recent theoretical framework highlighted a different aspect of thinking—how it dynamically moves between topics. However, the neural correlates of such thought dynamics are unknown. The current study aimed to determine the electrophysiological signatures of these dynamics by recording electroencephalogram (EEG) while participants performed an attention task and periodically answered thought-sampling questions about whether their thoughts were 1) task-unrelated, 2) freely moving, 3) deliberately constrained, and 4) automatically constrained. We examined three EEG measures across different time windows as a function of each thought type: stimulus-evoked P3 event-related potentials and non–stimulus-evoked alpha power and variability. Parietal P3 was larger for task-related relative to task-unrelated thoughts, whereas frontal P3 was increased for deliberately constrained compared with unconstrained thoughts. Frontal electrodes showed enhanced alpha power for freely moving thoughts relative to non-freely moving thoughts. Alpha-power variability was increased for task-unrelated, freely moving, and unconstrained thoughts. Our findings indicate distinct electrophysiological patterns associated with task-unrelated and dynamic thoughts, suggesting these neural measures capture the heterogeneity of our ongoing thoughts.


  • Julia WY Kam

  • Zachary C Irving

  • Caitlin Mills

  • Shawn Patel

  • Alison Gopnik

  • Robert T Knight

Date: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2011796118

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Fronto-temporal regulation of subjective value to suppress impulsivity in intertemporal choices


Impulsive decisions arise from preferring smaller but sooner rewards compared to larger but later rewards. How neural activity and attention to choice alternatives contribute to reward decisions during temporal discounting is not clear. Here we probed (i) attention to and (ii) neural representation of delay and reward information in humans (both sexes) engaged in choices. We studied behavioral and frequency specific dynamics supporting impulsive decisions on a fine-grained temporal scale using eye tracking and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings. In one condition participants had to decide for themselves but pretended to decide for their best friend in a second prosocial condition, which required perspective taking. Hence, conditions varied in the value for themselves versus that pretending to choose for another person. Stronger impulsivity was reliably found across three independent groups for prosocial decisions. Eye tracking revealed a systematic shift of attention from the delay to the reward information and differences in eye tracking between conditions predicted differences in discounting. High frequency activity (HFA: 175-250 Hz) distributed over right fronto-temporal sensors correlated with delay and reward information in consecutive temporal intervals for high value decisions for oneself but not the friend. Collectively the results imply that the HFA recorded over fronto-temporal MEG sensors plays a critical role in choice option integration.


  • Stefan Dürschmid

  • Andre Maric

  • Marcel S Kehl

  • Robert T Knight

  • Hermann Hinrichs

  • Hans-Jochen Heinz

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1196-20.2020

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Parameterizing neural power spectra into periodic and aperiodic components


Electrophysiological signals exhibit both periodic and aperiodic properties. Periodic oscillations have been linked to numerous physiological, cognitive, behavioral and disease states. Emerging evidence demonstrates that the aperiodic component has putative physiological interpretations and that it dynamically changes with age, task demands and cognitive states. Electrophysiological neural activity is typically analyzed using canonically defined frequency bands, without consideration of the aperiodic (1/f-like) component. We show that standard analytic approaches can conflate periodic parameters (center frequency, power, bandwidth) with aperiodic ones (offset, exponent), compromising physiological interpretations. To overcome these limitations, we introduce an algorithm to parameterize neural power spectra as a combination of an aperiodic component and putative periodic oscillatory peaks. This algorithm requires no a priori specification of frequency bands. We validate this algorithm on simulated data, and demonstrate how it can be used in applications ranging from analyzing age-related changes in working memory to large-scale data exploration and analysis.


  • Thomas Donoghue

  • Matar Haller

  • Erik J Peterson

  • Paroma Varma

  • Priyadarshini Sebastian

  • Richard Gao

  • Torben Noto

  • Antonio H Lara

  • Joni D Wallis

  • Robert T Knight

  • Avgusta Shestyuk

  • Bradley Voytek

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-020-00744-x

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Direct brain recordings reveal occipital cortex involvement in memory development


Processing of low-level visual information shows robust developmental gains through childhood and adolescence. However, it is unknown whether low-level visual processing in the occipital cortex supports age-related gains in memory for complex visual stimuli. Here, we examined occipital alpha activity during visual scene encoding in 24 children and adolescents, aged 6.2–20.5 years, who performed a subsequent memory task while undergoing electrocorticographic recording. Scenes were classified as high- or low-complexity by the number of unique object categories depicted. We found that recognition of high-complexity, but not low-complexity, scenes increased with age. Age was associated with decreased alpha power and increased instantaneous alpha frequency during the encoding of subsequently recognized high- compared to low-complexity scenes. Critically, decreased alpha power predicted improved recognition of high-complexity scenes in adolescents. These findings demonstrate how the functional maturation of the occipital cortex supports the development of memory for complex visual scenes.


  • Qin Yin

  • Elizabeth L Johnson

  • Lingfei Tang

  • Kurtis I Auguste

  • Robert T Knight

  • Eishi Asano

  • Noa Ofen

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107625

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Diverse Temporal Dynamics of Repetition Suppression Revealed by Intracranial Recordings in the Human Ventral Temporal Cortex


Repeated stimulus presentations commonly produce decreased neural responses—a phenomenon known as repetition suppression (RS) or adaptation—in ventral temporal cortex (VTC) of humans and nonhuman primates. However, the temporal features of RS in human VTC are not well understood. To fill this gap in knowledge, we utilized the precise spatial localization and high temporal resolution of electrocorticography (ECoG) from nine human subjects implanted with intracranial electrodes in the VTC. The subjects viewed nonrepeated and repeated images of faces with long-lagged intervals and many intervening stimuli between repeats. We report three main findings: 1) robust RS occurs in VTC for activity in high-frequency broadband (HFB), but not lower-frequency bands; 2) RS of the HFB signal is associated with lower peak magnitude (PM), lower total responses, and earlier peak responses; and 3) RS effects occur early within initial stages of stimulus processing and persist for the entire stimulus duration. We discuss these findings in the context of early and late components of visual perception, as well as theoretical models of repetition suppression.


  • Vinitha Rangarajan

  • Corentin Jacques

  • Robert T Knight

  • Kevin S Weiner

  • Kalanit Grill-Spector

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhaa173

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Multiple sequential prediction errors during reward processing in the human brain


Recent developments in reinforcement learning, cognitive control, and systems neuroscience highlight the complimentary roles in learning of valenced reward prediction errors (RPEs) and non-valenced salience prediction errors (PEs) driven by the magnitude of surprise. A core debate in reward learning focuses on whether valenced and non-valenced PEs can be isolated in the human electroencephalogram (EEG). Here, we combine behavioral modeling and single-trial EEG regression revealing a sequence of valenced and non-valenced PEs in an interval timing task dissociating outcome valence, magnitude, and probability. Multiple regression across temporal, spatial, and frequency dimensions revealed a spatio-tempo-spectral cascade from valenced RPE value represented by the feedback related negativity event-related potential (ERP) followed by non-valenced RPE magnitude and outcome probability effects indexed by subsequent P300 and late frontal positivity ERPs. The results show that learning is supported by a sequence of multiple PEs evident in the human EEG.


  • Colin W. Hoy

  • Sheila C. Steiner

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.20.347740

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Top–Down Attentional Modulation in Human Frontal Cortex: Differential Engagement during External and Internal Attention


Decades of electrophysiological research on top–down control converge on the role of the lateral frontal cortex in facilitating attention to behaviorally relevant external inputs. However, the involvement of frontal cortex in the top–down control of attention directed to the external versus internal environment remains poorly understood. To address this, we recorded intracranial electrocorticography while subjects directed their attention externally to tones and responded to infrequent target tones, or internally to their own thoughts while ignoring the tones. Our analyses focused on frontal and temporal cortices. We first computed the target effect, as indexed by the difference in high frequency activity (70–150 Hz) between target and standard tones. Importantly, we then compared the target effect between external and internal attention, reflecting a top–down attentional effect elicited by task demands, in each region of interest. Both frontal and temporal cortices showed target effects during external and internal attention, suggesting this effect is present irrespective of attention states. However, only the frontal cortex showed an enhanced target effect during external relative to internal attention. These findings provide electrophysiological evidence for top–down attentional modulation in the lateral frontal cortex, revealing preferential engagement with external attention.


  • Julia WY Kam

  • Randolph F Helfrich

  • Anne-Kristin Solbakk

  • Tor Endestad

  • Pål G Larsson

  • Jack J Lin

  • Robert T Knight

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhaa262

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Insights into human cognition from intracranial EEG: A review of audition, memory, internal cognition, and causality


By recording neural activity directly from the human brain, researchers gain unprecedented insight into how neurocognitive processes unfold in real time. We first briefly discuss how intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) recordings, performed for clinical practice, are used to study human cognition with the spatiotemporal and single-trial precision traditionally limited to non-human animal research. We then delineate how studies using iEEG have informed our understanding of issues fundamental to human cognition: auditory prediction, working and episodic memory, and internal cognition. We also discuss the potential of iEEG to infer causality through the manipulation or ‘engineering’ of neurocognitive processes via spatiotemporally precise electrical stimulation. We close by highlighting limitations of iEEG, potential of burgeoning techniques to further increase spatiotemporal precision, and implications for future research using intracranial approaches to understand, restore, and enhance human cognition.


  • Elizabeth Johnson

  • Julia WY Kam

  • Athina Tzovara

  • Robert T Knight

Date: 2020

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1088%2F1741-2552%2Fabb7a5

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Dissociation of broadband high-frequency activity and neuronal firing in the neocortex


Broadband high-frequency activity (BHA; 70 to 150 Hz), also known as “high gamma,” a key analytic signal in human intracranial (electrocorticographic) recordings, is often assumed to reflect local neural firing [multiunit activity (MUA)]. As the precise physiological substrates of BHA are unknown, this assumption remains controversial. Our analysis of laminar multielectrode data from V1 and A1 in monkeys outlines two components of stimulus-evoked BHA distributed across the cortical layers: an “early-deep” and “late-superficial” response. Early-deep BHA has a clear spatial and temporal overlap with MUA. Late-superficial BHA was more prominent and accounted for more of the BHA signal measured near the cortical pial surface. However, its association with local MUA is weak and often undetectable, consistent with the view that it reflects dendritic processes separable from local neuronal firing.


  • Marcin Leszczyński

  • Annamaria Barczak

  • Yoshinao Kajikawa

  • Istvan Ulbert

  • Arnaud Y Falchier

  • Idan Tal

  • Saskia Haegens

  • Lucia Melloni

  • Robert T Knight

  • Charles E Schroeder

Date: 2020

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb0977

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An electrophysiological marker of arousal level in humans


Deep non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and general anesthesia with propofol are prominent states of reduced arousal linked to the occurrence of synchronized oscillations in the electroencephalogram (EEG). Although rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is also associated with diminished arousal levels, it is characterized by a desynchronized, ‘wake-like’ EEG. This observation implies that reduced arousal states are not necessarily only defined by synchronous oscillatory activity. Using intracranial and surface EEG recordings in four independent data sets, we demonstrate that the 1/f spectral slope of the electrophysiological power spectrum, which reflects the non-oscillatory, scale-free component of neural activity, delineates wakefulness from propofol anesthesia, NREM and REM sleep. Critically, the spectral slope discriminates wakefulness from REM sleep solely based on the neurophysiological brain state. Taken together, our findings describe a common electrophysiological marker that tracks states of reduced arousal, including different sleep stages as well as anesthesia in humans.


  • Janna D Lendner

  • Randolph F Helfrich

  • Bryce A Mander

  • Luis Romundstad

  • Jack J Lin

  • Matthew P Walker

  • Pal G Larsson

  • Robert T Knight

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.55092

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Language Neuroplasticity in Brain Tumor Patients Revealed by Magnetoencephalography


Little is known about language impairment in brain tumor patients, especially in the presurgical phase. Impairment in this population may be missed because standardized tests fail to capture mild deficits. Additionally, neuroplasticity may also contribute to minimizing language impairments. We examined 14 presurgical patients with brain tumors in the language-dominant hemisphere using magnetoencephalography (MEG) while they performed a demanding picture–word interference task, that is, participants name pictures while ignoring distractor words. Brain tumor patients had behavioral picture-naming effects typically observed in healthy controls. The MEG responses also showed the expected pattern in its timing and amplitude modulation typical of controls, but with an altered spatial distribution of right hemisphere sources, in contrast to the classic left hemisphere source found in healthy individuals. This finding supports tumor-induced neural reorganization of language before surgery. Crucially, the use of electrophysiology allowed us to show the “same” neuronal response in terms of its timing and amplitude modulation in the right hemisphere, supporting the hypothesis that the processes performed by the right hemisphere following reorganization are similar in nature to those (previously) performed by the left hemisphere. We also identified one participant with a fast-growing tumor affecting large parts of critical language areas and underlying ventral and dorsal white matter tracts who showed a deviant pattern in behavior and in the MEG event-related responses. In conclusion, our results attest to the validity of using a demanding picture-naming task in presurgical patients and provide evidence for neuroplasticity, with the right hemisphere performing similar computations as the left hemisphere typically performs.


  • Vitória Piai

  • Elke De Witte

  • Joanna Sierpowska

  • Xiaochen Zheng

  • Leighton B Hinkley

  • Danielle Mizuiri

  • Robert T Knight

  • Mitchel S Berger

  • Srikantan S Nagarajan

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01561

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Coupling between slow-waves and sharp-wave ripples organizes distributed neural activity during sleep in humans


Hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation during sleep is hypothesized to depend on the synchronization of distributed neuronal ensembles, organized by the hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs, 80-150 Hz) and subcortical/cortical slow-waves (0.5-4 Hz). However, the precise role of SWR-slow-wave interactions in synchronizing subcortical/cortical neuronal activity is unclear. Here, we leverage intracranial electrophysiological recordings from the human hippocampus, amygdala, temporal and frontal cortices, to examine activity modulation and cross-regional coordination during SWRs. Hippocampal SWRs are associated with widespread modulation of high frequency activity (HFA; 70-200 Hz) a measure of local neuronal activation. This peri-SWR HFA modulation is predicted by the coupling between hippocampal SWRs and local subcortical/cortical slow-waves. Finally, local cortical slow-wave phase offsets during SWRs predicted functional connectivity between the frontal and temporal cortex. These findings suggest a selection mechanism wherein hippocampal SWR and cortical slow-wave synchronization governs the transient engagement of distributed neuronal populations supporting hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation.


  • Ivan Skelin

  • Haoxin Zhang

  • Jie Zheng

  • Shiting Ma

  • Bryce A Mander

  • Olivia Kim Mcmanus

  • Sumeet Vadera

  • Robert T Knight

  • Bruce L McNaughton

  • Jack J Lin

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.24.113480

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Behavioral and EEG Measures Show no Amplifying Effects of Shared Attention on Attention or Memory


Shared attention experiments examine the potential differences in function or behavior when stimuli are experienced alone or in the presence of others, and when simultaneous attention of the participants to the same stimulus or set is involved. Previous work has found enhanced reactions to emotional stimuli in social situations, yet these changes might represent enhanced communicative or motivational purposes. This study examines whether viewing emotional stimuli in the presence of another person influences attention to or memory for the stimulus. Participants passively viewed emotionally-valenced stimuli while completing another task (counting flowers). Each participant performed this task both alone and in a shared attention condition (simultaneously with another person in the same room) while EEG signals were measured. Recognition of the emotional pictures was later measured. A significant shared attention behavioral effect was found in the attention task but not in the recognition task. Compared to event-related potential responses for neutral pictures, we found higher P3b response for task relevant stimuli (flowers), and higher Late Positive Potential (LPP) responses for emotional stimuli. However, no main effect was found for shared attention between presence conditions. To conclude, shared attention may therefore have a more limited effect on cognitive processes than previously suggested.


  • Noam Mairon

  • Mor Nahum

  • Arjen Stolk

  • Robert T Knight

  • Anat Perry

Date: 2020

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65311-7

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The brain tracks auditory rhythm predictability independent of selective attention


The brain responds to violations of expected rhythms, due to extraction- and prediction of the temporal structure in auditory input. Yet, it is unknown how probability of rhythm violations affects the overall rhythm predictability. Another unresolved question is whether predictive processes are independent of attention processes. In this study, EEG was recorded while subjects listened to rhythmic sequences. Predictability was manipulated by changing the stimulus-onset-asynchrony (SOA deviants) for given tones in the rhythm. When SOA deviants were inserted rarely, predictability remained high, whereas predictability was lower with more frequent SOA deviants. Dichotic tone-presentation allowed for independent manipulation of attention, as specific tones of the rhythm were presented to separate ears. Attention was manipulated by instructing subjects to attend to tones in one ear only, while keeping the rhythmic structure of tones constant. The analyses of event-related potentials revealed an attenuated N1 for tones when rhythm predictability was high, while the N1 was enhanced by attention to tones. Bayesian statistics revealed no interaction between predictability and attention. A right-lateralization of attention effects, but not predictability effects, suggested potentially different cortical processes. This is the first study to show that probability of rhythm violation influences rhythm predictability, independent of attention.


  • Maja D Foldal

  • Alejandro O Blenkmann

  • Anaïs Llorens

  • Robert T Knight

  • Anne-Kristin Solbakk

  • Tor Endestad

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64758-y

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Using Coherence-based spectro-spatial filters for stimulus features prediction from electro-corticographic recordings


The traditional approach in neuroscience relies on encoding models where brain responses are related to different stimuli in order to establish dependencies. In decoding tasks, on the contrary, brain responses are used to predict the stimuli, and traditionally, the signals are assumed stationary within trials, which is rarely the case for natural stimuli. We hypothesize that a decoding model assuming each experimental trial as a realization of a random process more likely reflects the statistical properties of the undergoing process compared to the assumption of stationarity. Here, we propose a Coherence-based spectro-spatial filter that allows for reconstructing stimulus features from brain signal’s features. The proposed method extracts common patterns between features of the brain signals and the stimuli that produced them. These patterns, originating from different recording electrodes are combined, forming a spatial filter that produces a unified prediction of the presented stimulus. This approach takes into account frequency, phase, and spatial distribution of brain features, hence avoiding the need to predefine specific frequency bands of interest or phase relationships between stimulus and brain responses manually. Furthermore, the model does not require the tuning of hyper-parameters, reducing significantly the computational load attached to it. Using three different cognitive tasks (motor movements, speech perception, and speech production), we show that the proposed method consistently improves stimulus feature predictions in terms of correlation (group averages of 0.74 for motor movements, 0.84 for speech perception, and 0.74 for speech production) in comparison with other methods based on regularized multivariate regression, probabilistic graphical models and artificial neural networks. Furthermore, the model parameters revealed those anatomical regions and spectral components that were discriminant in the different cognitive tasks. This novel method does not only provide a useful tool to address fundamental neuroscience questions, but could also be applied to neuroprosthetics.


  • Jaime Delgado Saa

  • Andy Christen

  • Stephanie Martin

  • Brian N Pasley

  • Robert T Knight

  • Anne-Lise Giraud

Date: 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-63303-1

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