Learning signals during reinforcement learning and cognitive control rely on valenced reward prediction errors (RPEs) and non-valenced salience prediction errors (PEs) driven by surprise magnitude. A core debate in reward learning focuses on whether valenced and non-valenced PEs can be isolated in the human electroencephalogram (EEG). We combine behavioral modeling and single-trial EEG regression to disentangle sequential PEs in an interval timing task dissociating outcome valence, magnitude, and probability. Multiple regression across temporal, spatial, and frequency dimensions characterized a spatio-tempo-spectral cascade from early valenced RPE value to non-valenced RPE magnitude, followed by outcome probability indexed by a late frontal positivity. Separating negative and positive outcomes revealed the valenced RPE value effect is an artifact of overlap between two non-valenced RPE magnitude responses: frontal theta feedback-related negativity on losses and posterior delta reward positivity on wins. These results reconcile longstanding debates on the sequence of components representing reward and salience PEs in the human EEG.
Colin W Hoy
Sheila C Steiner
Robert T Knight
Date: 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02426-1