Gregory V. Simpson

Multiple brain systems generating the rat auditory evoked potential. II. Dissociation of auditory cortex and non-lemniscal generator systems


  • Gregory V. Simpson

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 1992

PubMed: 8448670

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This study addressed the issue of multiple parallel auditory processing systems and their relationship to the skull-recorded auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) in the unanesthetized, unrestrained rat. In the preceding paper (Brain Res., 602 (1993) 240-250) it has been shown that auditory cortex activity does not contribute significantly to the vertex maximal AEPs recorded from the dorsal skull of the rat. In the present study, mapping of the AEP skull distribution revealed two sets of components: one set maximal at the dorsal skull vertex, and another set at the lateral skull), but not the early (P7-P11, N15) lateral skull components generated in auditory cortex. Bilateral auditory cortex ablation eliminated the lateral skull maximal AEP components, but not the dorsal skull maximal components. These findings support extensive parallel processing of auditory inputs (reflected by the dorsal AEPs) in the absence of primary auditory cortex. Ablation of primary auditory cortex did result in a modulation of the dorsal skull AEPs, indicative of an interaction between the geniculocortical system and the parallel system which generates the dorsal AEPs.

Multiple brain systems generating the rat auditory evoked potential. I. Characterization of the auditory cortex response


  • Gregory V. Simpson

  • Robert T. Knight

Date: 1992

PubMed: 8448669

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The objectives of this study were to characterize the auditory cortex response in the rat and to examine its contributions to the auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) recorded from the dorsal and lateral skull. This was accomplished by simultaneously recording AEPs from the cortical surface and from skull screw electrodes in anesthetized animals. The initial positive-negative response (P17-N32) was largely restricted to the cortical region corresponding to area 41. More detailed examination of the AEP mapping revealed multiple subcomponents (P9, P14, P17, P19) underlying the initial positivity, with differing topographies. Stimulus-response properties further dissociated the multiple positive subcomponents. Reversible local neurochemical suppression confirmed the auditory cortical origin of these AEPs. The auditory cortex-generated AEPs were refractory to barbiturate anesthesia which eliminated all dorsal skull AEPs, indicating that primary auditory cortical AEPs do not make a significant contribution to the dorsal skull-recorded ('vertex') AEPs. The findings raise issues regarding multiple parallel auditory processing systems and their associated AEPs.

Generators of middle- and long-latency auditory evoked potentials: implications from studies of patients with bitemporal lesions


  • David L. Woods

  • Clay Clayworth

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Gregory V. Simpson

  • Margaret A. Naeser

Date: 1987

PubMed: 2435529

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We recorded middle- and long-latency auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) in 5 patients (ages 39-72 years) with bilateral lesions of the superior temporal plane. Reconstructions of CT sections revealed that primary auditory cortex had been damaged bilaterally in four of the patients, while in the fifth an extensive left hemisphere lesion included primary auditory cortex while a right hemisphere lesion had damaged anterior auditory association areas but spared primary auditory cortex. Normal middle-latency AEPs (MAEPs) were recorded at the vertex electrode in all of the patients. In 3 of the 5 patients, MAEPs also showed normal coronal scalp distributions and were comparable in amplitude following stimulation of either ear. Two patients showed abnormalities. In one case, Na (latency 17 msec)-Pa (latency 30 msec) amplitudes were reduced over both hemispheres following stimulation of the ear contralateral to the more extensive lesion. In another, with both subcortical and cortical involvement, the Pa was abolished over the hemisphere with the more extensive lesion. Long-latency AEPs were normal in 2 patients whose lesions were largely confined to the superior temporal plane. In 2 patients with lesions extending into the inferior parietal lobe, N1s were abolished bilaterally. In the fifth patient, the N1 showed a slight reduction over the hemisphere with the more extensive lesion. Middle- and long-latency AEPs were differentially affected by some lesions. For example, patients with absent N1s could produce normal Pas. A review of these results and those of previous studies of bitemporal patients suggests that abnormalities in middle- and long-latency AEPs do not necessarily reflect damage to primary auditory cortex per se, but rather the degree of damage to adjacent areas. Abnormalities in MAEPs are associated with subcortical lesions, or cortical lesions extensive enough to denervate thalamic projection nuclei. Abnormalities in the long-latency N1 reflect lesion extension into the multi-modal areas of the inferior parietal lobule. This area appears to exert a critical modulatory influence over N1 generators outside of the superior temporal plane.

Altered Peripheral and Brainstem Auditory Function in Aged Rats


  • Gregory V. Simpson

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Simon Brailowsky

  • Oscar Prospero-Garcia

Date: 1985

PubMed: 4063825

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A technique for conducting free-field brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) audiometry in unanesthetized, unrestrained rats revealed a non-recruiting 18 dB elevation of click threshold in aged rats. BAEPs were first recorded in young and aged rats to clicks of equal intensity (80 dB SPL). Compared to the young group, aged animals exhibited longer wave I and wave IV latencies with no difference seen in the I-IV central conduction time. The prominent negative wave (No) following wave IV was also delayed and the I-No and IV-No conduction times increased in the aged group. When BAEPs were recorded to clicks with intensities adjusted to 35 dB above individual threshold, no differences in wave I or wave IV latencies or in the I-IV central conduction time were found between groups. However, the No component was delayed and the I-No and IV-No conduction times remained prolonged in the aged group. The results suggest that in addition to changes in peripheral auditory structures, changes in the rostral auditory brainstem accompany age-related hearing loss in rats.

Surface auditory evoked potentials in the unrestrained rat: component definition


  • Robert T. Knight

  • Simon Brailowsky

  • Gregory V. Simpson

Date: 1985

PubMed: 2412796

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Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to click and pure tone stimuli were recorded in unrestrained, unanesthetized rats. The middle latency rat AEPs (N17, P23, N38) had midline scalp distributions similar to human MAEPs and were recorded to within 15 dB above BAEP threshold. In contrast to human MAEPs, rat MAEPs were decreased in amplitude at high stimulation rates and only the N17 component was unaltered by slow wave sleep. The longer latency N50, N80 and P130 components had several response properties comparable to human N100-P200 vertex potentials. These included restricted midline fronto-central scalp distributions, progressive increases in amplitude at ISIs up to 4-8 sec and marked attenuation during slow wave sleep. The frequency sensitivity of the rat AEP revealed a decreased response to pure tones below 4 kHz but robust responses for stimuli up to at least 45 kHz. There was a notch in the rat audiogram with decremented component amplitudes to pure tone stimuli centered at 35 kHz. When equated for intensity, click and pure tone stimuli in the range of the rats maximal audiometric sensitivity (8-20 kHz) generated comparable AEP components. These results provide normative data on rat surface recorded AEPs. It is suggested that these surface recorded rat AEPs are generated by subcortical neural systems involved in the detection of auditory transients.

Reversed hemispheric organization in a left-hander


  • Dean C. Delis

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Gregory V. Simpson

Date: 1983

PubMed: 6843812

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For left-handers, cognitive functions are organized in the brain similarly to right-handers or they are more diffusely represented. In this study, we report a left-handed patient with a focal right temporal-parietal lesion who evidenced a lasting Wernicke's aphasia and visual-spatial functioning typical of a right-hander with left-hemisphere in involvement. The patient's performance on other tasks (e.g. praxis, singing) as well as observed behavioral changes also resembled those of a right-hander with left-hemisphere compromise. This case suggests that it is possible for cognitive functions to be inversely represented in the two hemispheres.