Endel Tulving

Unilateral medial temporal lobe memory impairment: type deficit, function deficit or both?


  • Ian G. Dobbins

  • Neal E. A. Kroll

  • Endel Tulving

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Michael S. Gazzaniga

Date: 1997

PubMed: 9539232

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Previous research has characterized memory deficits resulting from unilateral hippocampal system damage as 'material specific', suggesting that left damage results in verbal memory impairment with preservation of visuospatial function and the converse with right damage. Implicit within this hypothesis are the assumptions that the systems are independent and memory is lateralized for each type of material. To test the verbal component of this hypothesis, unilateral hippocampal lesion and commissurotomy patients were compared with controls on a multiple-list free-recall task. The material specific hypothesis predicts severe impairment only with left lesions; right lesions and commissurotomy patients should be only minimally impaired. However, secondary memory was compromised at immediate recall for all patient groups, with both unilateral groups showing comparable and severe verbal episodic memory deficits. Final testing across all lists also revealed severe impairment in commissurotomy patients. Finding both unilateral groups to be similarly impaired for verbal material is taken as evidence against a material specific deficit during this verbal episodic memory task. Although previous data suggest that left patients are considerably more impaired during some verbal tasks, this may not be specific to the material, but rather the combination of material and task demands. Implications for the material specific hypothesis are discussed.

Cohesion failure as a source of memory illusions


  • Neal E. A. Kroll

  • Robert T. Knight

  • Janet Metcalfe

  • Elizabeth S. Wolf

  • Endel Tulving

Date: 1996

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One source of ‘‘false’’ memories may be that often only memory fragments are retained. This would then result in a person being unable to distinquish a false conjunction, constructed of memory components, from what had been actually experienced. Experiment 1, employing two- syllable words in a continuous recognition paradigm, found that patients with left hippocampal damage classified more new verbal conjunctions as ‘‘old’’ than did normal subjects or patients with only right hippocampal damage. Experiment 2, employing simple face drawings in a study- test paradigm, found that patients with damage to either side of their hippocampal formation made more conjunction errors with pictorial stimuli than did normal subjects. The results are seen as supporting the hypothesis that binding is an important early step in the consolidation process and that the hippocampal system is a critical component of the neural system involved in the appropriate binding of memory components.