Mark is a PhD student in the Department of Psychology and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. Prior to grad school, he was a research assistant on the Restoring Active Memory project at Dartmouth. Before then, he studied computer science and philosophy at Columbia.
Position: Helen Wills Neuroscience PhD Candidate
Selected Publications:
Llorens A.†, Tzovara, A.†, Bellier, L. Bhaya-Grossman, I., Bidet-Caulet, A., Chang, W.K., Cross, Z.R., Dominguez-Faus, R., Flinker, A., Fonken, Y., Gorenstein, M., Holdgraf, C., Hoy, C.W., Ivanova, M.V., Jimenez, R.T, Jun, S., Kam, J. W. K., Kidd, C., Marcelle, E., Marciano, D., Martin, S., Myers, N.E., Ojala, K., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Ries, S., Perry, A., Saez, I., Skelin, I., Slama, K., Staveland, B.R., Bassett, D.S., Buffalo, E.A., Fairhall, A.L., Kastner, S., Kopell, N.J., Lin, J.J., Nobre, A.C., Solbakk, A.K., Wallis, J.D., Wang, X.J., Yuval-Greenberg, S., Knight, R.T., Dronkers, N.F. (2021) Gender bias in academia: a lifetime problem that needs solutions. Neuron.
† These authors contributed equally to this work as first authors
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work as second authors